perfect gift


The Soft Reflections Bouquet is a stunning arrangement of delicate flowers that will bring a touch of elegance to any space. This bouquet features soft pink roses, white lilies, and lush greenery that come together to create a beautiful and serene display.Online Flower Company is your one-stop-shop for all your floral needs. Our company offers a wide range of fresh and beautiful flowers that are perfect for any occasion. From birthdays to weddings, our flowers are sure to brighten up anyone’s day.

The Soft Reflections Bouquet is a stunning floral arrangement that can bring beauty and elegance to any occasion. This bouquet typically features a combination of soft and delicate flowers in shades of pink, purple, and white, creating a peaceful and romantic look.

The Soft Reflections Bouquet can include flowers such as roses, lilies, lisianthus, and astilbe. These flowers come in various shades of pink, purple, and white, from pale pastels to deep jewel tones. They are often associated with love, romance, and grace.

To complement the flowers, the bouquet may also include greenery such as eucalyptus, ferns, or dusty miller. These plants add texture and depth to the bouquet while also providing a natural green color.

To arrange the bouquet, start by selecting your flowers and foliage. Arrange them in your hand, holding the stems loosely. Add and remove flowers and foliage as needed until you achieve the desired look. Then, tie the stems together with floral tape or ribbon. Trim the stems to the desired length, and place the bouquet in a vase of water.

The Soft Reflections Bouquet can be a perfect gift for a variety of occasions, such as a birthday, anniversary, or wedding. It’s a beautiful and elegant floral arrangement that is sure to impress and bring joy to the recipient.

Care Instructions

  • When your flowers arrive, remove wrapping and just trim the stems as required.
  • Use a clean vase and clean fresh tap water.
  • Cut approximately 1cm-2cm from the ends of the stems at an angle of 45 degree.
  • Remove the leaves and foliage below the waterline but do not remove all leaves along the stem length.
  • All flowers benefit from a daily mist of water.
  • To refresh flowers after 2-3 days, remove any drooping flowers, leaves and foliage, re-cut the stems and replace with fresh tap water.
  • Don’t place your flowers in direct sunlight or near by any other source of excessive heat.
  • Do not place it above refrigerator, Television or any other electronic devices.
  • Avoid keeping flowers directly under the ceiling fan and facing of Air Conditioner.
  • Enjoy your flowers!